Traci Miller

Traci Miller

Marketing Director // 800-878-7828 x119 //

Health Reform Confusion Keeps Consultants Busy

By Gale Scott, Crain’s New York Business The Affordable Care Act’s long-term impact on employers is still uncertain. But one sector is already getting a boost from the law, recently upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court: Business is booming for…

Preparing for RAC Prepayment Reviews

Article Sharon Easterling and Donna D. Wilson, posted by Chris Dimick, Editor-in-Chief at the Journal of AHIMA. This article was originally published on the Journal of AHIMA website on Augist 1, 2012 and is republished here with permission. We are…

2012 Most Wired

By Matthew Weinstock | Data By Suzanna Hoppszallern for H&HN Magazine It’s a bumpy road, but the 200-plus hospitals on this year’s Most Wired list are driving toward meaningful use of health care information technology The road to meaningful use…

5 Keys to a Positive Financial Impact of ICD-10

By Steff Deschenesfor for HealthcareFinance News There are plenty of unknowns concerning the financial aspects of ICD-10. Transitioning to the new codes could be a disaster for some providers. However, those who take into careful consideration their current clinical documentation…

The New ICD-10 Deadline

By Scott Mace for HealthLeaders Media When the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services announced in April that the required go-live rollout of ICD-10 coding would be delayed one year, to October 1, 2014, healthcare providers reacted with sighs of…

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