Traci Miller

Traci Miller

Marketing Director // 800-878-7828 x119 //

AHIMA Repeats Opposition to ICD-10 Delay

From Healthcare IT News CHICAGO – AHIMA has said it before, and it is saying it again. Delaying ICD-10 deadlines is not a good idea. AHIMA  filed a comment letter Wednesday with the Department of Health and Human Services’ leaders…

Conflicts Arise As Health Insurers Diversify

By Jay Hancock for Kaiser Health News Like hospitals and doctors everywhere, Banner Health fights a daily battle to get paid by insurance companies and government agencies for the care it delivers. So the hospital system hired a company called…

AHIMA, AMA, Others Speak Out on ICD-10 Delay

Originally posted on Healthcare Informatics The American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) has made it clear that it’s not a huge supporter of the decision from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to delay the date in…

ACA Repeal Would Squeeze For-Profit Hospitals

By Margaret Dick Tocknell, for HealthLeaders Media If the Affordable Care Act is fully or partially nullified by the US Supreme Court, for-profit hospital operators will face a credit-negative situation as costs increase and profit margins shrink, according to a…

Feds Release New Healthcare Quality Measures

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services proposes clinical reporting standards that physicians and hospitals will use to qualify for Stage 2 Meaningful Use bonus payments. By Neil Versel, InformationWeek A month after publishing proposed rules for Stage 2 of the…

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